Once in a while things spin out of our control.
Of course full control is only an illusion, but it’s an illusion we crave, and on many levels need to maintain our balance. If you’re a creative soul, the wild torque that reorders the things that matter to you, will most likely toss your creativity into chaos, too. So what can you do to regain your creative marksmanship?
Punch one, buckle-up!
I really mean that, because your ride could overtake Mr. Toad on your roller-coaster upheaval. When I was a kid we played a game called statue. One kid, usually the biggest, grabbed your arm and pulled you around as fast as you could run and then let go. You spun away disoriented, then tumbled your way into some kind of stance and tried to hold that position like a statue. Of course gravity held the control as you wobbled your way back into some kind of position, and holding your balance was next to impossible. Back then is was just a fun game; and a practice for what was to come while you actually lived life. Snap yourself in and ride out the spinning, bumping and mayhem while things get sorted.
Punch two, when the wild ride ends, go within and get in touch with your creative core.
Let the natural powers of the universe settle the rest of the stuff that remains off kilter. Celebrate this homecoming and reap the joys of your friendship with that raw intuitive energy inside. When you’re ready, take a breath and look around for the changes all this tumult brought into your life.
When life shakes things up, it usually means we need a change – whether we like it or not.
Change is the only constant in the universe and revolution is the dance of creativity. After the bedlam, regroup, paying attention to the changes that have occurred. How does it affect your creative situation? Do you still need to hold that old statuesque position? You’ll probably need to make more than a few adjustments to go along with your new order. Re-prioritize your creative work from this point forward.
Look around for the new meaning of your work.
Your waltz with creativity has changed. Transformation gives your creative purpose different goals, so power-up your one-two punch and embrace the fresh direction you’ve been rotated to hold.
Sandy Nelson is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire.
JenningsWire.com is created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR. Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.