From my perspective as a viewer and historical fiction writer, the hot trend in entertainment right now is storytelling that makes history and historical periods come alive.
Below are a few examples demonstrating audiences’ current affinity for history as a means of entertainment.
- The award winning HBO series Boardwalk Empire focuses on the early 20’s and the rise of powerful organized crime groups through bootlegging (caused by the Volstead Act), plugging in historical events as they arise within the story.
- The popular History Channel Vikings series also takes great pains to authenticate the Viking time period in Norway . The attention to detail makes the unique people and history come alive.
- In our recent past, two Borgia historical series looked at a specific corrupt Catholic Pope’s reign in 1497, and The Tudors popular series was based on the reign of King Henry VIII.
So if you love historical storytelling as much as I do, there’s no time like the present to master your craft.
Writing and researching history for entertainment purposes requires the writer to wholly immerse themselves into the time period to the point where everything the reader can imagine seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, etc embeds them within the time period of the story.
Read more posts by E.K. Prescott, Ph.D, educator and author of The Ivy League Chronicles. Dr. Prescott. is created by Annie Jennings PR, a top #1 national publicity firm working with authors to help their market their book. Book publicity has many components and Annie’s PR firm specializing in help with author PR and marketing a book. Annie’s offers performance guarantees on her big shows in big cities radio talk show campaign along with unlimited media training to help authors become skilled and savvy guests promoting their book to thousands of listeners. Ask Annie about her pay for performance publicity campaigns for TV shows and major online/print media. Please visit Annie Jennings PR.