Similar to prayer but less supplicatory, there is a way to ask the universe to meet your needs.
It is the mystical path’s way.
Many people are familiar with prayer, having grown up practicing it. One asks God with humility and faith to fulfill a need, please. This is the traditional way. But quite a different approach requires connection with your Higher Source, then complete merging with it. We can call this alignment.
Alignment is not something that can be called up at will. It’s not like ordering a pizza or an Uber. You must first detach from your emotions, needs, and desires, and place yourself comfortably in the hands of a benign universe. Descriptive phrases about this state include “Go with the Flow”, or “Let go and let God.”
Once reached, now the fun begins!
I was at a supermarket, trying to reach a box of tomato paste on a too-high shelf, second visit. I was sure it was there, hidden from my view by height and by being pushed too far back. I gave up but as I left the aisle, thought that I needed a tall person’s help. Two aisles over, there was such a person. I asked for help and it was enthusiastically given. So far, nothing very special, huh? But after thanking him, he said something about God’s will! Wow, we were somehow linked… from my thought to the request’s manifestation within less than a minute, through a higher power!
Another time, the heavy rain that was predicted during a long drive next day cleared up exactly a half-hour before leaving the house, allowing safer travel. Yet another occasion, a young friend voiced the need for a dress to wear for an unexpected singing gig and got a phone call within a minute offering her overtime at her job that would equal the exact amount the dress cost.
This is not a religious process but a spiritual one. It will work for financial and health matters too. It is a mystical way because it’s the workings of oneness – there is no separation between the universe and you.
Let go of worries (fear), rest assured of the granting of your request (faith), and it will often fall right into your lap. This is what Asking the Universe is all about. The only caveat: it has to be a need and not a greed. When in the right mindset, the whole universe bends to your will.
Judi Thomases is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire online magazine. is created by National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that offers their prestigious pay for performance publicity model where clients can select the publicity path that results in the most power, credibility and thought leadership for them in the areas of TV, print and online.