“What’s your number?”
Next time someone asks you that, it may not be your phone number they’re after. Just the date you were born.
Oh, it works for you, too. If you want a hot new romance – or a searingly fabulous old one – just request the birthdate of your partner, or the person you hope to be your partner. Then, pick up this intriguing guide – Sue Frederick’s new book – I See Your Soul Mate: An Intuitive’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Love.
I met Sue Frederick when her first book pubbed, I See Your Dream Job.
With her long blonde hair and bangs, and huge smile, Sue is a delight to interview. I discovered that Sue was first a journalist and a career coach – and, then, she finally decided to come home to her Creole roots. You know how it is when you’re a kid, and you don’t want everyone to know you’re different? Well, Sue had inherited her mom’s telepathy and clairvoyance – she had been an intuitive since her childhood in New Orleans. And, she realized she was using her gifts as a career coach anyway. So that recognition gave birth to her Dream Job book. But, one day, when she was just 28, she lost her soul mate to cancer. It was then she decided it was time to really come out.
Thing is, you can do it, too, be intuitive. Sue says, we all have that inner GPS. And, when partnered with the gift that Pythagoras left us back in 580 BC, we can nail the dream job, and know our dream mate. Pythagoras revealed that numbers are the gateway to understanding our soul’s mission. Sue says every number has a vibration, which that Ancient Greek had all figured out. Pythagoras has stood the test of time like no Match.com, eHarmony, or FitnessSingles. Good thing, because when I got divorced after 22-years of marriage, the parade of really bad dates nearly convinced me there was no way.
There was the User, who had just moved to town and figured that I, as a media person, had great connections. He designed a cute-meet, and ran into me when I was emceeing on a cruise-ship, captive for the two-hour radio event. Six months down the line, a woman who happened to know us both, clued me in. There was the Uncommittable, a ballroom dancer whose 3am “goodbye” email to me at work – after three-months of dating and dancing – hit me when I was about to go on the air. And, there was the one week of coffee dates – nine of them. I got acid indigestion. No keepers.
But numerology!
In its most simple version, you add up the birth date of the lover you desire, to learn that birth path. You add up your birth date for the birth path. Then, you add those two numbers together to understand the relationship path.
Sue doesn’t stop with the numbers – she mixes in intuition – and positive energy.
I’ll use my numbers as an example. My birthday is July 28, 1953. So I add 7+2+8+1+9+5+3 and get 35, which, as 3+5, reduces to 8. Here’s where it gets cool. The number eight stands for power – at the high end, using your power for good; at the low end, being abused or abusing others. My stepfather – a pedophile – sexually-abused me from the time I was four. It’s taken decades of therapy and prayer, reading books and interviewing wise people, to be healed. It is time for me to take what I’ve learned – that you can be peaceful, and whole, and enjoy balanced love. Now, I’m on the powerful end of 8. And, you can stand in your power. I’ve written a memoir – it’s with a New York agent, who is shopping BookMark: How Reading Saved My Life.
Sue’s book I See Your Soul Mate, is about soul mates.
Love and intuition are intertwined, Sue says. She says we have a posse of soul mates, who help us use our lifetimes to contribute our greatest good.
I’m an 8. We’ve established that. At least two of the men I’ve cared for during my romantic life are 8’s – I seem to draw them! Using Sue’s definitions, I realize that one abused his power, dominated me, and used his powerful intuition to convince me that my intuition was wrong. Another 8 I have known, passionately embraces helping people in trouble – it is the focal point of his life. And, he insists that those he is involved with leave behind baggage, so they, too, use their power for their best.
Huge difference.
I love Sue’s work, so I highly recommend her book. For a quick reference, I’ll hit the numbers – the good and the bad. After all, Pythagoras laid them out initially: one is leadership or ignorance; two is intuition or paranoia; three is creative or cold-hearted; four is self-disciplined or too practical; five is passion or addictions; six is healer or slave to others’ needs; seven is spiritual focus or skeptical; eight, again, is powerful or abusive; and nine is humanitarian or blameful.
The other quality I love about Sue’s work – is its practicality. One exercise – Intuitive Dating, she calls it. You’re about to go on a date – write down your date’s name and birth-date. Put your hand over it, and quiet your monkey mind. Feel their energy. If it feels bad in your stomach, cancel the date. If it feels warm in your heart, go for it – you will enjoy!
You can even ask to see your future partner in your dreams.
The key is to focus on yourself – and be the highest self you can be. She says you must be on that journey before your perfect soul mate is attracted.
With a formula like that, how can you miss! Focus on your soul mission – and your soul mate will be waiting for you. Bon voyage!
Diana Page Jordan is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire.