Reese Witherspoon took to Instagram the afternoon of the Oscars to make a point: to ask journalists to ask the women on the red carpet more than “who are you wearing?”
A phrase made famous by Joan Rivers. From my perspective she is standing on an empty soapbox. I’m thinking I will get my feminist card taken away from me for saying that I think Reese Witherspoon is wrong on this one. Right message, wrong audience.
Perhaps because it came on the heels of Patricia Arquette’s acceptance speech on women’s rights, that I find these messages, the right message, but the wrong audience. The sight of J Lo standing up and cheering women’s equal rights I find laughable. If she had equal rights on American Idol she would take a drastic pay cut. Keith Urban earns 5 million to her 17.5 million for Idol and she wants to cheer for equal rights?
Reese went on to say, “This is a movement to say we’re more than just our dresses. There are 44 nominees this year that are women and we are so happy to be here and talk about the work that we’ve done. It’s hard being a woman in Hollywood, or any industry.”
Here is why I say right message, wrong audience: this is Hollywood.
Designers give presenters dresses worth thousands of dollars that they readily accept to wear on the red carpet. Jewelers give nominees and presenters millions of dollars of diamonds to wear on the red carpet. Nicole Kidman wore 6 million dollars’ worth of diamonds. And we are not supposed to notice? Really?
“What is the biggest risk that paid off, what accomplishment are you most proud of,” are two questions Reese posted in her Instagram that journalists could ask in place of “who are you wearing”?
The problem that I have is that most of the nominees and presenters are wearing dresses that they do not have to pay for, wearing jewelry they do not pay for, and are given gift bags worth $160,000. I find it a little disingenuous that actresses complain that they are asked too much about the glamour. If glamour is not important then why not just wear a dress from TJ Maxx?
Perhaps she has forgotten what Hollywood is to us mere mortals.
Hollywood is glamour, period. Yes it is political and yes it, like most places, is an old white boys club, BUT on this night we don’t want to hear about anything but the pretty part of the movies. The movie industry is probably a lot like the meat industry. The saying if you knew how a hot dog was made you would not eat another hot dog. If we knew the inside of this industry we probably wouldn’t see another movie.
On this night we just want the hot dog. In our own lives we need both the right message, the right audience, communicated in a way the audience can get it. One actress got the rewards of the hot dog.
Rosalind Pike, one of this year’s IT GIRLS, was offered a major role as a result of how incredible she looked in the red Givenchy dress she wore at the Oscars. She was rewarded for right message, right audience.
Read more posts by Leslie Ungar here. Leslie blogs for JenningsWire.
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