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Award winning author and presenter, Dr. Elizabeth Kearney, is a former John Hopkins Fellow with a background as both a professor and business owner. She is author of The Four Generations, which explains how to deal with four different generations – including Baby Boomers, Traditionalists, Generation X and Millennials – in the workplace.
The Four Generations At Work
- What’s unique about having 4 generations in the workplace at the same time?
- How do the generations differ in their goals, work ethics, approaches, teamwork?
- What must supervisors understand about these generations in order to effectively motivate each of them?
- What steps can be taken to build an effective team from these diverse groups?
- What are some of the problems this diversity can trigger and what can be done to overcome them?
For more information on Dr. Kearney’s book The Four Generations please visit
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters! Please visit and discover the blogger just right for you.
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