Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: Unleash Your Creativity!

Listen Here: Sandy Nelson is a JenningsWire blogger, artist and certified Creativity Coach who will discuss how to unleash your creative potential with her 5 Easy Tips to Use Your Creativity Every Day. Unleash Your Creativity! What makes [...]

Two Important Steps To Complete A Creative Work

Every creative individual has a process that helps them gain perspective on their work; and a specific audience they work to please. Quilters use binoculars backwards to see their large masterpiece at a distance, all the while thinking about [...]

Pleas From Crazy Town

How do you handle your emotions, when your schedule piles up all the stuff you have to do? Can you remain cool, clear headed and focused on each task? If you find yourself, anxious, stressed or working with a headache, feeling the pressure from [...]

Three Actions Of Highly Productive Creators

We can all have those days when we just can’t get things done. There may be too many distractions or we’re just too darn distractible. Either way you can use these three actions to work smarter and be most productive. Get to work. Don’t [...]

Three Rules To Making Great Art

Play. Play more. Play harder I’m not kidding. Play is perhaps the most important thing you can do in order to create. I will go so far to say that it may be more important than taking lessons or earning degree in any form of art. Why? Because [...]

What No App For This?

Creators need stuff in order to make their magical ideas come to life, but managing all that material can be overwhelming, and your IPad won’t help. The way you keep all the things that inspire your ideas, is as important as having the supplies [...]

Simple Practices That Lead To Success

Do you have a simple set of guidelines that keep you focused on your creative goals? If you are someone who creates you must have the skill set to be an independent worker. Someone who is a self-starter and can design, develop and manage a project [...]

Gathering Creative Nuggets

As you go about your day, do you think about what you need to create your next masterpiece? Many artists do. When do you find inspiration throughout your daily tasks? Some creative folks sit down in the wee hours of the morning and pound out [...]

How To Get Your Creativity Unstuck

When you have trouble feeling creative it may mean you’re stuck in the rut of prejudging your work. What is creativity anyway? For each of us there is a definition of what being creative means. Every one can define creativity in their own [...]

Project Planning Meltdown?

How much planning do you need to do to complete your creative project? You might say a lot or very little. One of my jobs as a coach is to help my clients learn to ask the right questions. The correct answer is to plan well enough to get your [...]

Creative Power Tools

I just got an email from a vender selling fantastic new tools. The kind I really like, handheld and powerful. I really got excited and wanted to hit the buy now button. Without thinking much about exactly which project I needed them for, in [...]

Already Blew Your New Year Resolutions?

It’s that time of year when the reality of great intentions to shift our life into the fantastic lane is about to crash. Welcome to the world of your actuality. It’s really a good place to be about now because it gives you a real and true [...]

You’re So Wonderful!

Ever have those days when you feel glum or weeks when you feel unappreciated? I worked very hard getting ready for a nice family visit this past holiday. In addition to reworking my web site, reviewing last year’s business results and making [...]

Doing the Work of Creating

A couple of months back, I spent a week painting and puppy sitting. It was a planned event during which I decided to keep in touch with my followers through the social networks. I created art, learned some important lessons, and played with [...]

Can Politics Affect Creativity?

I woke up this morning thinking about starting my paintings, still stuck in my head and ready for moisture and brushing. Then I turned on the news and heard all the same crap about the presidential and other upcoming elections. “The Final [...]