Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Societal Exhaustion In Our High Speed World: Slow It Down

You live in a high speed, high stress society. Everything ramps you up to meet deadlines, reach class on time and excel at work. You face texting, emails and Smart Phone recordings. If you’re a parent, you must take the kids to soccer practice, [...]

Is Your Life Stuck In A Rut?

We have all been there and it is very upsetting, sometimes making the situations more difficult than they appear to be. The uncertainly of it all becomes overwhelming and over time paralyzing.  Ever feel the frustration, the sadness that usually [...]

How Can You Make Your Life Shine?

Simplifying our lives can be hard because it forces us to own our values and shape our lives around them. What makes you a real treasure around other people?  What do you do that lights up your inside?  Ask a friend; their insight could be [...]

Playful Power Of Leaping

If you can’t think of something playful to do – jump! Your impact will be felt somewhere. In one place you’ll push air out and in another vacuum it in. Amazing! Be the creative playful pump. We have a universal impact on the world, the [...]

Spring Cleaning From The Inside/Out

People get attached to “things.” We tend to hold onto it year after year. We save and stock up on things we don’t know what to do with anymore and often store it in a hidden location; hoarding. Maybe we keep things because they hold precious [...]

How Can We Get The Wisdom To Move Beyond Worry?

Our thoughts might look like a string of what – ifs. What if this or that goes wrong?  Sometimes we think if we worry enough we can prevent a catastrophe event.  While worry may be a hint that there is something you need to take care [...]

Podcast: The Simple Life: Shiny Objects Not Required

Listen Here: JenningsWire blogger and Happiness Author & Expert, Kita Szpak, is the author of the new book The SIMPLE Life: Shiny Objects Not Required helps everyone who feels like life is a little crazy these days! In this podcast, Kita [...]

The Midlife Sage Says It’s Okay To Run Away

Are you so stressed and tired you don’t care if your shoes match? Are you being unjustly criticized by obnoxious people? Do you feel like crap because your exercise bike is a clothes hanger and you just finished a one-pound bag of M&Ms? [...]