Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Publicity: What Do CEOs Want?

What do CEOs want? From power to prestige to recognition and appreciation for all of their hard work over the years, CEOs share one ideal, they truly want to help make the world a better place. Using their wisdom, credentials and experience [...]

Podcast Opportunity On JenningsWire, HUGE Worldwide Exposure FAST!

Annie’s successful online magazine, JenningsWire.com showcases authors and experts in the JenningsWire Podcast Series*. Hundreds of podcasters have enjoyed professional, promotional interviews with one of the top interviewers in the country [...]
The Power of Authentic Branding

Podcast: The Power of Authentic Branding

Entrepreneur Altimese Nichole is the author of Brandticity: The Power of Branding Through Authenticity, where she combines industry knowledge and practical insight for small business owners navigating the complexities of social media. Listen [...]
Needle In The Haystack PR

Searching For The Needle In The Haystack Experts For PR Bookings

That’s right. Those top level authors and experts who wish to go even higher in their careers. They are perfect for our ongoing news talk radio guest opportunities.  These experts are the ones we can book right now as regular news guests. To [...]

True Story: House Guest Accidentally Reveals Secret Of Success

Do you know why your clients love you? What makes you different from your competitors? You should, or you just might change what is making you successful. Here’s how it happened. I came up with a bright new idea for my home office.  But first, [...]
Podcast: Why Hiring A Pro For Marketing Is Key

Podcast: Why Hiring A Pro For Marketing Is Key

Listen Here: Bill Corbett, Jr, is a 25 year veteran in the marketing, PR and business development sector. Bill makes his clients leaders in their industries, including real estate franchises, payroll companies, financial services and credit [...]
The Three S's Of Transformational Marketing

Podcast: The Three S’s Of Transformational Marketing

Listen Here: Dave Sutton, is the founder of strategic marketing firm TopRight, and says if a brand wants to get to the top of their market, they must master the 3 S’s of Story, Strategy and Systems.  Dave talks with us today about how your [...]
Marketing Tips with Jay Siff

Podcast: Marketing Tips with Jay Siff

Listen Here: Jay Siff the founder and CEO of Moving Targets, a national direct marketing and branding agency. Jay has worked with some of the legends in the industry and has become a student of neuromarketing. He produces a monthly email newsletter, [...]
5 Secrets to a Successful Marketing Plan

Podcast: 5 Secrets to a Successful Marketing Plan

Listen Here: Dr. Minette Riordan is an award-winning entrepreneur and the bestselling author of The Artful Marketer: The Fundamental Business Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs. She has over 15 years of experience in marketing and sales. Currently [...]
Podcast: How Offering A Scholarship Helped This Business Grow

Podcast: How Offering A Scholarship Helped This Business Grow

Listen Here: Gene Caballero is the co-founder of GreenPal providing local lawn care pros with a platform to run their business to be more profitable and efficient. Gene discusses how SEO has impacted his business: How Offering A Scholarship [...]
Podcast: Linking Strategies To Boost Search Results

Podcast: Linking Strategies To Boost Search Results

Listen Here: Lisa W Boyle the CEO of Paradigm Shift SEO, a full service digital marketing company that helps businesses who want to increase their website traffic, leads and conversions. Lisa is currently writing her 1st book Demystifying SEO:  [...]

Podcast: Make Your Marketing WORK

Listen Here: Marketing and Business Consultant Lon Safko, is the bestselling author of The Social Media Bible and the Fusion Marketing Bible. Make Your Marketing WORK What is traditional marketing and does it still work? How can you get a [...]

Podcast: Social Media Blueprint For Small Businesses

Listen Here: Michelle McCullough is a serial entrepreneur, a radio show host for Make It Happen (with over 1,000,000 downloads to date), and the managing director of Startup Princess, an international organization for women entrepreneurs.  Michelle [...]

Podcast: Tuning Into “Radio Heaven”

Listen Here: Dr. Sam Collins is the Founder of the Aspire Foundation, a globally sought-after organization that empowers women.  Its pro-bono mentoring program works in 80 countries and has made a positive difference to the lives of over a [...]

Podcast: Social Media For Boomers

Listen Here: Social Media Consultant, Chuck Hester, is the author of the new book, Social Media for The Rest of Us: A Boomers Perspective, a practical guide for Boomers on how to use social media. In this podcast, boomers will learn how to [...]

Don’t Be Like A Rotting Pumpkin, Instead Jumpstart Your Success!

Think about your Halloween pumpkin.  When you were on the hunt you instinctively sought out the  perfect pumpkin.   And for a while, it was perfect.  All lit up, brilliant and fabulous for Halloween.  But then suddenly it no longer looked [...]

Podcast: How Telemarketing Can Still Be Successful

Listen Here: Tony Wilkins is the author of Telemarketing Success for small and mid-sized Firms, The Single Person’s Cookbook and Surviving the Economy-Tips From Small Business Owners from Across the Globe. He is the host of the Internet sensation [...]

Podcast: Power Of Video To Attract Clients

Listen Here: Toni Nelson is an award-winning videographer and photographer and founder of the MINE System of Learning. She is the author of Sexy, Savvy and Successful: A Woman’s Guide on How to Start a Business, Gain Financial Freedom and [...]

Podcast: How to Live Your Passion & Fulfill Your Dreams

Listen Here: How to Live Your Passion & Fulfill Your Dreams What is the story behind the What’s Your Avocado? personal empowerment concept? Why is gaining clarity so important? What is the top tool you can use to gain clarity and why? How [...]

Podcast: Advanced Selling Tips

Listen Here: Bill Caskey is the author of three books on selling in the 21st Century, including Same Game, New Rules, his most popular. Bill also hosts The Advanced Selling Podcast, which is a weekly episode speaking to sales people and sales [...]
Customer service

Pretend Customer Service – Don’t Do It!

Most companies have gotten wise to the fact that customers want to feel appreciated. They use the right language, especially on their voicemail and “hold” menus. “Your call is very important to us! And we appreciate your patience. A representative [...]

Podcast: SEO Tips To Keep Up With Google

Listen Here: Search Engine Optimization expert, Matt McDermott, of MorethanSEO.com reveals what businesses and internet marketing professionals need to know to keep up with Google updates to increase search engine rankings. SEO Tips To Keep [...]

Podcast: Epic Content Marketing

Listen Here: Author, speaker and entrepreneur Joe Pulizzi is the author of the new book “Epic Content Marketing”.  Joe says that nine out of ten marketers use content marketing in some way. The problem?  Just one in three are seeing [...]

PODCAST: The Art Of Intuitive Networking

Listen Here: Today’s guest is Erfan Hettini International business consultant, coach, and author of the Fire Your Employer Book Series which includes the title “101 Reasons You Should Fire Your Employer & Start Your Own Business” Erfan [...]

Podcast: Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is About Help Not Hype

Listen Here: NY Times Bestselling Author, Jay Baer, is a hype-free Marketing Strategist, Speaker, and President of the social media and content marketing consultancy Convince & Convert. Jay is author of the bestselling book, Youtility: [...]

Podcast: How To Create Your Business Blueprint For Success!

Listen Here: Lisa Mininni is the best-selling author of Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change, President of Excellerate Associates, and radio show host of Blog Talk Radio’s Navigating Change. She released numerous eBooks, [...]

Podcast: How To Create A Winning Marketing System

Listen Here: Lisa Mininni is the best-selling author of Me, Myself, and Why? The Secrets to Navigating Change, President of Excellerate Associates, and radio show host of Blog Talk Radio’s Navigating Change. She released numerous eBooks, [...]

Podcast: The Business Of Forgiveness

Listen Here: Shawne Duperon is a six-time EMMY Award winning Media Coach who trains entrepreneurs, leadership executives and government agencies worldwide. She has appeared on major media such as USA Today, CBS’ The Early Show and CNN just [...]

Podcast: Make Your First Million Before You Are 30

Listen Here: Want to make your first million before you are 30? If so, you will LOVE this podcast! Over the course of four years, Coalition Technologies founder and CEO, Joel Gross, managed to accomplish the near-impossible: he launched a [...]

Podcast: The Keys To Great Marketing!

Listen Here: Mark Stevens is a lifelong entrepreneur and founder of the MSCO.com, a business-driven, entrepreneurial-minded marketing and business advisory firm that focuses on accelerating the growth of their clients.  Mark’s client list [...]

Models, Comics And Hamburgers: Look Past The Packaging

A friend of mine is in consumer packaging. That is, his firm helps companies sell more stuff by bringing their products to market in snazzy boxes and cartons. He says people are drawn to things you’d expect: eye-grabbing packaging that’s [...]

Read All About My E-Book And Why Nobody Does

If you are not getting good e-book downloads on your free days, maybe you gave too much of the story away in your description. Everyday I get lists of new books written by independent authors. I love getting the lists. There are so many uses [...]

The Power Of Branding!

What is branding? When you hear the word branding; what does it mean to you and why is it such a valuable component to building a successful business and make a difference in our society? We are living through challenging times and the impact [...]

5 Quick Ways To Get More Content & Organize It

Content is king. Now that Google has declared that content is king that leaves most of us in a position to find those valuable sources of information to repopulate websites, blogs and all things related to online activity. The environment now [...]

Life’s Not a Competition

As unbelievable as it may sound, you can stop competing with everyone else right now. Life’s not a competition with others. It’s a competition with yourself. The only one you really have to compete with is you. Okay, you’ll say, “That’s [...]