Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Can Any Good Come From Natural Disasters?

The devastation of Superstorm Sandy is something residents of New Jersey and New York have never seen, nor do I hope we ever do again. The media pumped-up the anxiety, panic and stress levels of these residents to a fever pitch, and for once, [...]

Why Me?

“Rumination is less an art than a burden, yet we practice it all the time.”  We’ve all done it…we have experienced something in our life that was so unpleasant, so frustrating, so angering, so unfair, so absolutely unbelievably torturous [...]

Growing Up With Ghosts (Part 2)

My uncle Dave and his wife Reiko lived next door to us beginning in 1971. I was 6 years old at the time.  They would spend a lot of time over at our house from the early to the mid-1970s.  These were great times with a lot of fun as I recall!  [...]

Growing Up With Ghosts (Part 1)

I grew up in a truly haunted house. The house was a huge Victorian home in Elizabeth, New Jersey complete with eight bedrooms, three full floors, beautiful real oak floors and wood-workings, twelve foot ceilings, a second-floor porch, walk-in [...]

Time Is Of The Essence

Classic Rock Band the “Guess Who” sang, “No time…no time…got got got got no time.” In the same song, they also warned “No time left to lose.”  We also put much faith into “time healing all wounds.”  Bob Dylan wrote, “Time [...]

The “ABC’s of College Binge Drinking” (Alcohol Binge-Drinking Consequences)

There is BRAND NEW RESEARCH that “proves” college students who “Binge Drink” report being “happier” than those who don’t!  HAPPIER??? Yes!  This is what has been reported by Carolyn Hsu to Time.com!  The “studies” are supporting [...]

Is Your Teen At-Risk for Suicide?

Are we paying enough attention to our children? It’s been said that “The best thing you can spend on your children is time,” and according to a recent study by Janice Wood (2012) in How to Recognize Teens at Risk for Self-Harm, this appears [...]

“SEXT” Time, You May Not Be So Lucky!

IPhone 5 The “newest, best-ever, state-of-the-art” cell phone just came out.  The I-Phone V.  Does your teen want it?  Have it?  Beg you for it?  My guess is yes!  Seems like every month or so, the “newest and best cell phone” [...]

“Loving” Like Cats and Dogs

It’s so so wonderful to see so many people on Facebook that love their dogs, cats, and animals! My observations over the years in mental health services, though not “scientific” by any means, prove to me that there is a huge [...]

It’s Only Pot! What’s The Big Deal?

Should we be in favor of a “greener world?” This has been the Battle Cry of “Stoners,” “Burn-Outs,” “Pot Heads” and all those who partake in the smoking of marijuana for ages!  “It’s natural man!  How bad can it [...]

This Makes Me So Mad, The Dangers Of Mismanaged Anger

Many of us are quite skillful in the art of “Ruminating.” Well, that’s actually false.  Rumination isn’t an art as much as it is a burden, yet, we practice it all of the time!  Picture this, you walk in the door from [...]

Obsessive Love Disorder: When You Can’t Say Goodbye

The Inability to Let-Go After a Break-Up  There is a large amount of attention being paid to the area of moving-on after a break-up in the field of Psychology lately and for very good reason.  Many people can’t.  The fixation on the former [...]