Parker Geiger III
Parker Geiger III is the president and founder of the CHUVA Group, which focuses on image and brand development and author of the new book, The GAME: Learn It! Change It! WIN IT...networking 1.0 and 2.0.
Parker is most proud of his popular Executive Development Program: Perception IDentity™: The Parker Factor©. Executives from all professions have greatly benefited from this powerful communication-coaching program. These executives learned how others perceive them on first impact and how to effectively position that perception to enhance his or her Personal Brand.
Parker and CHUVA group are strongly committed to the local community. Parker was a volunteer for President Carter’s Atlanta Project and for six years was an active board member for the Atlanta Children’s Shelter, a day care center for homeless families with children; where he co-created a program called, Project Renewal. For over 18 years Project Renewal helped hundreds of homeless mothers build self-esteem through motivation, dress, and image. This process enabled them to learn how to rely on their “own” inner strengths while going through difficult times.
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